making the night club shining ball - tutorial

final finished image
in this tutorial we will be making a real like night club disco ball which shining and rotating giving a glamor look disco and night clubs so let start with it

making the pattern for ball using grid and rectangular marquee tool
final pattern for ball
saving pattern

step 1
first you have make a pattern to fill the ball. to make the pattern create a new document of 60 x 60 px and make a 15 x 15 box as show in the above fig with the help of grid so selecting and filling can be done easily with help of rectangular marquee tool fill the small squares. after filling the canvas as show in the above fig go to edit>define pattern and save it.

selecting elliptical selection tool
choosing the pattern to fill in the circle
filled pattern in circle

step 2
create any size of new document in photoshop. create a new layer. select the elliptical marquee tool and make a perfect circle with help of sift+draging. now select the paint bucket tool and select the pattern option and select the pattern which we have made and saved. fill the selected circle.

sphererizing the selected area
you will get something like this

step 3
with selected circle go to filter>distort>shperize and make the properties and as show in above fig and hit ok. you will a nice sphere like object.

make background black
duplicate the image and make the mirror effect with help of transform tool and soft brush

step 4
create a new layer fill it with black color and take this layer back side of the ball. now make the duplicate layer of that ball layer and with the help of transform tool make a mirror image of it with 50 % fill in opacity and by remove other part of it with the help of soft 300 brush. make it look like i have show in above fig

make this type of shape and select that area with help of path
take the layer shining back to the ball and mirro image of ball
apply gradient fill to selected area

step 5
create a new layer above that black layer this one we are making for the shining lines. in this new layer go to the custom shapes and select the shape i have show in the above fig and make the fig like this you can make a perfect shape with help of shift+dragging. now go to the path palette and do this ctrl+click on the layer icon on path palette. you can now see the selected area in layer just apply the gradient fill of white and black as i have done.this shape making can be done in many ways be sure which one technique you are using and feel free to try any other

layer style drop shadow
layer style drop bevel and emboss
you will get something like this after applying the layer prop

step 6
apply this layer styles to the original ball layer only dont make a mistake and apply this layer style to its mirror image and now last touching moments get some star shining brushes and make it shine you have done it

final image

final finished image


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